Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Metrobook / Shopping centre

Metrobook:  I’ve mentioned about the super developed ‘madridmetro’… really developed.. I haven’t seen so many people reading books in metro before (in London, Warsaw, Rome, Munich). Yes books, not newspapers. It seems Spanish people really love literature. Moreover, they promote it. Standing in the crowd in train, when you have watched all the faces already, have a look on the window wall.. there is a piece of writing…  a story... nice, you like it .. you want more, and it’s only one page! and at the very bottom you find the words: “Do not finish with the one page.. follow the story”. This is of course for Spanish reading people J but don’t you think it is a great way to promote book reading?  Apart from that, in metro there are  ‘Ventas de libros’ something like a coffee machine but with books J
Shopping centre: Doing a big shopping in Madrid, you will visit suburbs ;) Most shopping centres, really huge ones, with a variety of shops, are located outside the city, or I should say – in nearby towns J These shopping centres are typical, where you have got food chain discount such as Caffefur, Tesco, or here Alcampo and the rest are boutiques. Of course, in Madrid there are many single boutiques in the very centre (Zara, Bershka, Springfield etc.), including a wonderful building devoted to H&M on Calle Alcála. But if you want to visit a specific shop (let’s say Primark!) it’s situated in one of those remote places. Worth going anyway J

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