Saturday, October 15, 2011

Toledo trip

Toledo is a town situated 70 km south of Madrid. For sure, coming to Spain you've heard about it... as it was former capital of Spain and it is the capital of Castile - la Mancha, the region of Don Quijote.
Toledo was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which means it belongs to one of the most precious historical places. It is situated on the rocky hill surrounded by the river. The fortress takes you back to the Middle Ages.. with its mighty walls of the city, stony buildings, narrow streets and arch bridges...


practical hints:
How to get there from Madrid:
- Plaza Eliptica - bus station - bus: Madrid - Toledo, price: 8,80 euro (ida y vuelta)
buses go every 30 min, the last one from Toledo goes at 10.30 p.m.
- one day trip - should be enough: Go in the morning and come back in the evening.. - must see Toledo by night ;)

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