Thursday, October 6, 2011

Travelling alone / Shoe shops

Travelling alone: It’s good to have a company to travel, yet if you by chance stay alone, do not panic. Travelling alone has many advantages (travelling with someone, lessJ ). You are a single tourist, you are more open – even unconsciously, you start to search a contact with other people, you become more sociable and brave (provided that you have been a bit before J ). In tourist spots it’s very easy to start a conversation, to find a company - by joining either a group or another individual explorer. Here is the simplest way: “Do you speak English? (positive answer) Can you take me a picture?” – “Yes, sure, and can you take me?”. And it flows.. You can spend a really nice afternoon with a totally new – strange person. (My case: a newly met girl from Mexico- Gloria. Best regards for you my friend J )

Shoe shops: I have noticed that Spanish people simply love shoes. Every third shop in the centre of Madrid is ‘zapatería’ – a shoe shop. I don’t know why. For me, this weather here allows people to wear 2 maybe 3 pairs of shoes. Why such variety then? I will find out.
Speaking about the shops, Spanish language has this funny suffix (the ending) “-ería” for the name of a given shop e.g. ‘pan’ (bread) – panadería (bakery), ‘cerveza’ (beer) – cervesería ( simply a bar), ‘libro’ (book) – librería (bookstore) etc. Some names might be really enjoyable.. especially those made up for commercial purposes such as: ‘hamburgería’ or ‘yogurería’ ;D What do they sell? J

 (I have a quiz question for Polish edition “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” – “What can you buy in Spain in ‘roparía’ ?”)

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