Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First impressions

The Flight
First impressions: The flight from Warsaw – to Madrid Barajas takes exactly 3 hours..(But they say we had strong wind:)  Pretty well, I had time to read some parts of the guidebook J (Not that I read slowly but that one I have is really informative = thick;) Before that day, there was no time for that.. packing, thinking what to take, which things to leave and which to put aside to be sent by mail as soon as I will have my address J
The views over the window – Spanish soil - amazing…  brown, red, plain soil… some green spots.. water basins, meandering river.. 
Welcome to Spain!                       ¡Bienvenimos en España!

First night /day
Spanish bedclothes: 1 long (1,5m!) pillow and 2 bed sheets! One of them has some decorative strip at the bottom and it serves as a duvet J. Sometimes it’s of the same colour / pattern as the pillow sheet, so that it’s easy to distinguish bed sheet and “duvet sheet “ J Other way, nooo.
Morning: What time is the sunrise in Poland/ England? Hands up! Normally it’s around 6 / 7 and the sunrays come to your room making you blind and you already know IT IS MORNING! TIME TO GET UP/MOVE AS(soon as you can) J But here noooo… 8.30 A.M. the sky is still redish/pinkish... The sun is not there! Do you want to get up earlier than  9? Set your alarm clock!
What is more, all buildings/ windows have WINDOW SHATTERS which protect Spanish people from too much sun during the day... and these are closed for night making the room you’re sleeping in dark all the time, even if you wake up at midday! (but you can control it, the string to pull is on your side) J

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