Thursday, January 5, 2012


Segovia - a small city north of Madrid, definnitely worth visiting during the few- day stay in the capital. The Old Town of Segovia and its famous Aqueduct are declared World Herritage by UNESCO (1985).The city is situated among rocky mountains, which offers picturesque views over the surrounding areas. 
There are 3 most important places to see, so that 1 day (or even half of it - 4 hours) is enough to "explore" Segovia.  
  • Aqueduct
  • Cathedral
  • Alcazar 

The view over the city - from the Alcazar of Segovia -  the royal palace on the rock! 

old churches hidden among local houses..

Aqueduct of Segovia - spectacular Roman building - constructed at the beginning of 2nd century -  is the most important  roman civil engineering work in Spain. 

length - 818 m
number of bows : over 170
height: 29 m
e x t r a:  it consists of 25,000 granite blocks without any mortar! 

you can climb here!

 moreover, you can sit here and admire the Aqueduct as long as you like.. even draw it.. ;)

Now the Segovia Cathedral... (do not read: new;) - the last Gothic cathedral in Spain, known as "The Lady of Cathedrals"

Alcazar of Segovia - the towers like a fairytale castle... (I as a Princess ? :)

again the view over the city from the top of the Alcazar towers

 my advice: stay there till the evening!!!

Travel tips:
Station: Chamartin
Regional tren: 
time: 1:45h
price: 12,20 Euro (both ways)

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